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SGID economy category

Utah Tax Areas 2024

Last update · June 2024

Category: Economy Data Type: Polygon GIS data Stewards: UGRC & USTC

This dataset represents Taxing Districts/Areas in the State of Utah as maintained by the Utah State Tax Commission (USTC). Each taxing district polygon represents a unique combination of overlapping taxing entities. The property tax within a taxing district should be the same for all residential properties. This dataset is derived from a spatial analysis process utilizing the USTC Tax Entities dataset. This data is for 2023. Updates are only done at the beginning of each calendar year for the previous year. The 2024 rates have not been done yet and won't be ready until September.

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Feature service URL Copy to clipboard

Open SGID sample query

select * from economy.tax_areas_2024 limit 10; Copy to clipboard

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You can copy and paste the feature service URL above into ArcGIS Pro or a web map to visualize this data or access the query endpoint to query the data with your favorite programming language.

A closer look

Comments, questions, compliments, or concerns can be directed to:

Terri Chidester
Update history
  • June 2024
  • June 2023
  • March 2022
  • January 2021

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